Become an SPDR Breed Representative
At the heart of SPDR’s rescue and adoption process are volunteers we call Breed Reps. These individuals are the backbone of SPDR—their first-hand, in-depth knowledge of their breed is what sets SPDR apart. Read more to see if this is a volunteer role for you:
Adopting an SPDR dog comes with its own support system: the SPDR Breed Rep.
An SPDR Breed Rep has extensive knowledge and experience with a particular breed. Often they have been involved in training and showing the breed, and are sometimes active with local or national breed clubs.
SPDR Breed Reps understand the specific health, behavior, and personality traits of the breed, and have a personal interest in rescue.
Once they agree to become a Breed Rep for SPDR, they undergo rigorous training and a trial period to ensure complete understanding of SPDR’s mission, policies, and procedures.

How the Public Benefits
When a dog needs a new home and is an acceptable candidate, the SPDR Breed Rep will work closely with owners to help them find an appropriate new home. Breed Reps will sometimes counsel owners, helping them work through problems and enabling them to keep their dog.

Personal Adoption Guidance
An SPDR Breed Rep’s guidance during adoption allows prospective adopters to:
Learn more about a particular breed before making a decision to adopt.
Determine whether a particular breed is right for their lifestyle and expectations.
Avoid spending days or weeks visiting shelters in search of a particular breed.
Get a knowledgeable opinion about a specific dog to determine its unique characteristics, adoptability, and appropriate fit for their household.